In the distant past I studied Irish and British myths for a prophetic book for the Millennium. What I discovered became the basis of Mihte's Quest: Kids in the Underworld.
We are all used to the Arthurian tales, probably not the Irish invasion of The Tuatha De Danann. Yet both sources are very similar. In fact they are not about King Arthur or Irish history at all, but the solar cycle of the druids. It is about how the druids thought the world worked and is religious doctrine.
This provided a wonderful premise for a YA novel and an ever larger series of books. Mihte's Quest: Kids in the Underworld was pub. in 2008. Initially we called the main character Jack, which is now Lucas (one of the common names derived from the hero Lugh still in use).
Mihte's Quest: Kids in the Underworld tells the story of how Lugh returns to the Underworld in winter and establishes his claim to be the fairy king and free his wife to be. This is a medieval and Irish interpretation of fairies. The best I can suggest is on a range between tricksters to angels. This has given way to the award winning film script Quest for Mihte Lugh which is currently in pre-production
Mihte's Challenge the second book, tells how Lugh gains confidence to control his powers. It charts a journey with his brothers from the Oracle (stone of destiny) to the place of his kismet. It is described in the award winning film script Journey to Nowhere. The second part of the book considers the obstacles he faces and the courage he builds. Battle hardened he has to face his grandfather Balor in a battle to the death. A marvellous display of supernatural powers aid by the lessons he learn from his uncle. We learn about Assal his amazing spear. The second section is expressed in the screen play script Mihte's Challenge and the spear of destiny
Mihte's Return Arthur Unmasked. The third book in the series charts Lugh's return to the human world and the dangers faced by humans from ET's. Again with his brothers and his inconsistency horse Embarr they have to call the underworld army and druids to see off the threat at Stonehenge. We also learn about his amazing sword Excalibur. Yes the same one from King Arthur.
We envisage continuing Lugh's ascendency in later books.